Cheshire East second “local plan” blueprint passed by Cabinet
By Ethan Davies, local democracy reporter
A controversial plan for development in Cheshire East has been passed by council cabinet and will go out for public consultation.
By Ethan Davies, local democracy reporter
A controversial plan for development in Cheshire East has been passed by council cabinet and will go out for public consultation.
Nantwich Town council has unveiled a three-year action plan – which includes enhancing green spaces and possibly offering free public wi-fi.
The 24-page 2019 Corporate Strategic Plan sets out the council’s aims and objectives for the next three years, 2020-2023.
Cheshire East Council has warned tenants that a Government ban on evictions during the Covid-19 pandemic has come to an end.
Government guidance strongly advises landlords not to commence or continue eviction proceedings without a very good reason.
RSPCA has voiced fears a recession will bring “welfare catastrophe” for horses after responding to 84 horse incidents in Cheshire during lockdown.
The charity is bracing itself for an influx of sick and abandoned horses following the pandemic
that will cripple resources.
Partners involved in the major revamp of Crewe town centre have welcomed announcements and milestones which they say take the town a step closer to a future vision.
Demolition of the vacant shops at the Royal Arcade site will start to take place in mid-October.
Cheshire Wildlife Trust has raised £30,000 needed to build beaver-proof fencing as part of a project to reintroduce the animal in the county. The Trust now has funds required for the fence at the 4.5 hectare enclosure near Hatchmere in Delamere. Contractors have already made a start preparing for the arrival of a pair of beavers. It is part of[Read More…]
By Ethan Davies, local democracy reporter
Just two fines were issued by Cheshire East Council for fly-tipping last year, it has been revealed.
A Freedom of Information request to the council showed that in 2019/20, two fines were issued but only one was paid.
Three elderly residents have been reunited more than 12 months after their homes were destroyed in the huge Beechmere care complex blaze in Crewe.
The devastating fire ripped through the homes of Doris Chell, Janet Kelly and Margaret Jackson, among many others.
Plans have been unveiled to change the junction of Colleys Lane with the A530 Middlewich Road in Willaston.
Draft proposals from Cheshire East highways include making it no entry into Colleys Lane from the A530.
By Ethan Davies, local democracy reporter
Parents collecting their children from school should switch their engines off to help improve air quality, says a Cheshire East Councillor.
Cllr Mick Warren, CEC cabinet member for communities, said “idling engines” is adding pollution and impacting on health.
Nantwich residents can have their say about road safety policing in a new survey launched by Cheshire’s police and crime commissioner David Keane.
He wants local residents to give their views on how safe the county’s roads are.
A new parking payment app will save Cheshire East drivers 13p per transaction, the authority claims.
Motorists using a mobile phone to pay for parking at Cheshire East Council car parks will see a change to a new app on October 1.
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