racism graffiti in nantwich

Angry Nantwich residents have painted over racist graffiti in Barony Park after a dad’s shocking photo caused an uproar.

Derice Richards took this picture of his young son Walter as they visited the park at the weekend, with the graffiti clearly daubed.

And when he posted it on Facebook, it caused hundreds of people to voice their fury.

Derice, from Willaston, a footballer for Crewe FC, said: “My little boy enjoying his play time this evening, riding his bike at the skate park.

“People think the UK is innocent? That this isn’t systemic and integrated into society?

“It’s not police brutality, or a death but it shows that somewhere someone’s child feels like this is funny, that this isn’t obscenely offensive.

“It’s written there in fresh black ink. What’s been hidden and ignored for 100s of years.

“We are not there yet, we are so far away.

“I haven’t had chance to protest yet, but I’ll be playing my part in educating my beautiful multi-racial son’s on exactly what our ancestors encountered on both sides of our bloodline.

“Play your part, educate yourself, your family and loved ones, hold them accountable.

“It’s not a trend, a joke or a passing comment. The next generation will see a different future whether they want to or not.”

Hundreds of people shared the photo and posted messages of shock and support for Derice and the #blacklivesmatter movement.

Derice added: “Incredibly overwhelming to see the response and solidarity in the community. Let’s continue to address these issues together.”

He said he was unable to report it to Everybody Leisure as staff there have been furloughed during the pandemic.

residents paint over racist graffiti in Nantwich
The racist graffiti in Nantwich was painted over

Alex Maynard said he went down to clean it off yesterday after reading the post.

“Sorted now, went down to clean it off and a great guy was down there painting it clean,” he said.

“Us Dabbers don’t tolerate this evil. That was no smiley face either, chillingly it was the hand signal these ghastly folk use.”

Another resident added: “This truly is a powerful photo.

“Thank you for posting this, it’s created discussion and has also resulted in the vile graffiti being removed.

“Our children do not need to be brought up in a world that allows racism which has very sadly gone on for way too long as it is.”

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  1. By all means condemn those responsible and educate people but also condemn those who cause trouble at protests and educate them.

    • Jeanne Dow says:

      This ‘whataboutism’ is somewhat lazy and not terribly useful here, but I do agree that people indeed need to be educated.

  2. Totally agree with disturbed residents. I would imagine the presumably uneducated youth only put the initials because of not being able to spell it correctly. A Trainee US police officer in the making?.

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