Fun in a Field For a Fiver is a great afternoon/evening out for a ridiculously low price which also benefits local charities. The first event was held in 2015 because we wanted to enable everyone (regardless of budgetary constraints or transport availability) to experience live music at a picnic concert.
We sell wristbands for just £5, (children of primary school age and under are admitted free but must be accompanied) which entitles the purchaser to eight hours of live music, with nothing else to pay, should they wish to bring their own picnic. There is however, a licensed bar and barbecue on site if members of the audience wish to purchase their own refreshments, and as the performance area is next to The Cotton Arms pub in Wrenbury, there is also an opportunity to sample their extensive menu.
The event, on Saturday 22nd June, starts at 2pm with local band “Four Vets and a Blacksmith” and ends at 10pm following two hours of great music from our headline act “Wayne and the Hairy Peaches” who always give a great performance and get the audience on their feet.
In between are many great local acts, all donating their time and talents free of charge, so that any profit we make can be split between three local charities.
Wrenbury has a long tradition of hosting community events and if this year is as well supported as the last four years it will be another great day to remember.
Wristbands on sale at Wrenbury Village Stores or on the gate.
Where is the gate?