Welsh Row - Nantwich Cottage hospital staff 1950-71

Nantwich Museum wants the town’s residents to help put together a new exhibition on “Welsh Row through the Ages”.

It’s hoped the display will be mounted at the Pillory Street venue in the summer.

They are keen to see any information or material which chronicles the history of Welsh Row buildings (current or demolished), the people who lived there, past shops and trades.

The museum would also like to hear of any interesting items, such as maps and pictures, which could possibly be lent to feature in the exhibition.

Constraints on space means the museum would not be able to accept any items until shortly before the exhibition.

The Cottage Hospital opened near Welsh Row in 1911 and served the town until its closure in the 1970s.

Many residents still remember the hospital and its fund raising events.

The museum is keen to hear reminiscences relating to the hospital and perhaps put names to any photographs of the time.

Those with information are requested to contact the Museum by the end of February.

Contact Nantwich Museum on enquiries@nantwichmuseum.org.uk, 01270 627104, visit www.nantwichmuseum.org.uk, or https://www.facebook.com/nantwich.museumoffical/ or https://twitter.com/NantwichMuseum

Grant Ferris MP visiting Childrens Ward ca1960
Grant Ferris MP visiting Children’s Ward ca1960

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