Andrew Dobson, child sex doll case

A Wistaston man who attempted to import a child-like sex doll into Cheshire has been jailed in what is thought to be the first case of its kind in the UK.

Andrew Dobson, 49, of Merrivale Road, was jailed after pleading guilty at Chester Crown Court to one count of importing an indecent object, two counts of making indecent images of children and one count of possessing indecent images of children.

The court heard how the investigation was triggered by an incident at East Midlands Airport in September last year.

Border Force officers, acting under the direction of the Fast Parcel Joint Border Intelligence Unit, identified a parcel labelled as a mannequin.

It was found to contain an obscene, child-like doll.

This was addressed to father-of-one Dobson and had been purchased from Hong Kong.

The package was withheld and officers from Cheshire Constabulary were notified.

Dobson was arrested at his home and following a search indecent images of children were found on his computer.

During his interview, Dobson admitted buying the child-like doll to use for sex and for his own sexual gratification.

He also admitted downloading child abuse images and movies online.

Child sex doll, Wistaston man case
Child sex doll imported by Dobson

During sentencing the Judge said he was “disgusted” to think child-like sex dolls exist to be purchased.

Jailing him for two years and eight months, Judge Berkson told Dobson: “It is disgusting to think this type of item exists and can be bought and imported all over the world.

“This was no mistake or misguided act on your part, it was meant for your perverted sexual desire towards children.

“This sexual desire was confirmed for the police when they made a search of your property and searched on the computerised equipment and found indecent still images of children and moving images.

“In the movies, one of which was 12 minutes long and was the worst type of abuse that can happen on a child.

“This was, as you know, a serious offence that only a sentence of immediate custody can be given.

“You are a man of previous good character and you have had a very respectable job which you have held for a number of years.

“I am prepared to accept from the pre-sentence report that the defendant is remorseful.

“You have an elderly mother who relies upon you for her care and you have an 18-year-old son who I can only assume you also care for.

“I am told that for the importation charge this is the first sentence for the offence in England and Wales.

“You will have to sign the sexual offenders register for life. It is the move from images to the purchase of the doll which is a serious aspect of the case.”

Dobson’s defence team claimed the doll was child-size but not child-like, and said this was an important distinction.

However, they added that Dobson was “ultimately ashamed” and wanted help to explore the type of offending.

Det Con Andy Kent, of Cheshire Constabularies Paedophile and Cyber Investigation Unit, said: “Knowing child sex dolls exist and are available for sex offenders to buy is sickening.

“For Dobson to go to great lengths to import one for his own sexual gratification shows the extent of his paraphilic interest in children.

“This conviction is the first of its kind for Cheshire, cases like these are also very rare across the country.

“However, I want to make it clear that importing a child sex-doll is a criminal offence.

“Dobson should serve as an example to those who think they can also commit this crime for their own selfish needs.”

Border Force’s Julian Doughty, Senior Manager at the Fast Parcel Joint Border Intelligence Unit, said: “The Border Force detection at East Midlands Airport was the vital first step in the identification and conviction of an individual who was found to be involved in other serious offences against children.

“The importation of dolls likes this is a new phenomena and Dobson is one of the first people sentenced in the UK in relation to such an item.

“Working closely with law enforcement partners, Border Force is determined to bring those involved in this type of offence to justice.”

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