Wyche Primary School, out of special measures

A Nantwich primary school placed in special measures has shown improvement in many areas, according to the latest Ofsted visit.

Wyche Primary on Manor Road was judged to be “inadequate” by Ofsted inspectors in 2014.

It was placed in special measures, and linked to a sponsored academy in Stoke-on-Trent.

It also plans to change its name and uniform to establish a new era for the school.

Now, after a follow-up inspection last month, Ofsted has judged Wyche to have improved.

The latest report says three of the five key areas judged are classed as “good”, including leadership and management, behaviour of pupils, and early years provision.

It says there has been a “rapid and dramatic progress” among pupils since the previous visit.

But it still highlights quality of teaching and achievement of pupils as needing improvement at the 190-pupil school.

Chair of governors at Wyche Primary Michelle Gauntlett said: “We are now out of ‘Special Measures’ and have many key areas that have been graded ‘good’.

“We promised we would work hard so that the pupils would receive the education that they deserve.

“Ofsted recognises we have made rapid improvements and have been uncompromising in our approach to improve.

“We are all very pleased Ofsted were able to see all our hard work and recognise the impact.

“We are also aware there is still more that we can do to further improve the outcomes for children and we will continue to strive to be the best that we can be.”

In the report made by Ofsted inspectors during the two-day visit, it said: “Inadequate teaching has been eradicated and the proportion of good teaching has risen rapidly in the 11 months since the previous inspection.

“Staff share with senior leaders a clear focus on raising expectations of themselves and their pupils.

“Additional teaching support and initiatives have helped pupils to make rapid and dramatic progress, so that gaps are closing rapidly.

“Pupils are hard working, courteous and behave responsibly in classrooms and around the school.

“Pupils arrive on time for school and for lessons and are ready to work, participate keenly in activities during lessons and work well together.

“Behaviour at breaks and lunchtimes is positive and the time is spent on purposeful activities.”

However, it also states that some teaching “does not build on what pupils can do and
thereby help them to make the rapid progress of which they are capable consistently”.

And with the achievement of pupils, it adds: “Most pupils in Year 6 made the progress expected of them overall, but there were pockets of underachievement across other year groups.”

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  1. A happy parent says:

    A massive well done to Wyche. All the staff, children and governors have worked so very hard and deserve this positive step forwards. We are proud of our school and the future is looking very bright indeed.

  2. FANTASTIC!!! I have all my faith in the head, staff and governors of the school! They all work so hard to make sure our children get the education they deserve!! Well Done to all!

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