RESPECT teenagers from Nantwich

A team of Nantwich teenagers have graduated from a fire and rescue course with flying colours!

The youngsters took part in the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service’s nine-week RESPECT course to help build their confidence.

RESPECT (Reducing Exclusion Starting Positive Engagement with Children Together) is aimed at young people between 13 and 16 who may be experiencing difficulties at school or with their peers.

Fire chiefs say this can lead to anti-social behaviour including deliberate fire setting and malicious calls to emergency services, as well as school exclusion.

The project aims to improve their self esteem and encourages them to grow in confidence.

They spend one day each week for nine weeks at a fire station as part of the alternative curriculum agenda.

Youth Engagement staff and firefighters share their expertise and they engage with partners such as Cheshire Constabulary to break down barriers between the community and young people.

Sue Cleaver, the service’s Targeted Youth Support team manager, said: “I am so proud of all the students who have graduated from this course.

“I am also indebted to the support given by the service staff who deliver programmes to the young people of Cheshire.

“Their dedication and commitment is so important to the success of the courses and the potential improvement of life chances to the students.”

The youngsters graduated with a certificate at a ceremony attended by parents, teachers and other professionals.

So far, more than 1,000 youngsters across the county have completed the course.

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