The big top will be rolling into Nantwich this week.
Peter Jolly’s circus will stage performances for five days at Alvaston Business Park, off the A530 Middlewich Road.
The circus, which will feature animals and performers, starts on Wednesday from 6.30pm.
There will be shows on Thursday and Friday at 6.30pm, and afternoon performances on Saturday and Sunday July 14 and 15 at 2pm. There is also a 5pm show on the Saturday.
It’s not the first time Peter Jolly’s has set up in Nantwich after other successful visits.
Car parking is free and tickets start at £7 for children and adults.
For more details contact 07850 687503 or visit http://www.peterjollyscircus.moonfruit.com/
Oh Dear – What a load of venom ..Obviously a thoughtful person who has believed the lies from Animal defenders et al It would be a good idea to visit the show and see for yourself. Afterwards I am sure you will have the opportunity to ask questions, and see with your own eyes (as against the clever photo lab offerings of the Animal Rights Industry), and join the hundreds who are beginning to realize the TRUTH about their photo-labbing, tear jerking money grabbing activities
Great that there’s still animal circus around. I don’t support none animal circus. They just giving in to the animal rights. RSPCA and Born Free are a disgrace. They like to see animals used in circus acts, be only in zoo’s bored out of there minds because they have nothing to do. RSPCA have double standards. You never hear them going on about Greyhound or Horse Racing that are cruel to animal. Horses as young as two racing. That’s like a five year old child doing a hard manure job. I have been a circus fan for many years. I also have a horse I know only to well that you cannot train any animal by cruel means.
DAVID MOULTON!what a load of ignorant codswollop! You quite obviously think that animals are on this earth merely so YOU can do what the hell you like with them!, regardless of whether the animal is living in suitable conditions ie trundled round the country in a cage, & not allowed to live a natural life like you! Even in a zoo (another bad idea) there are are usually much better conditions. Im sure if I was an animal ,it would be the zoo I would choose!You are the one who is a disgrace, not RSPCA or BORN FREE!, supporting this backward medieval cruelty to animals. These orgs save millions of animals from people like you who exploit them for profit with sport, torture them, have them perform, etc. I think you should do some homework & get your facts right, of course the RSPCA campaigns against horse racing ie the grand national.YOU CANNOT TRAIN ANY ANIMAL BY CRUEL MEANS…RUBBISH, ITS WELL DOCUMENTED! EVERYWHERE, TELL YOU WHAT!!, lets put you in a small cage on wheels (as a tiger has ), cart you round the country month after month in it just bringing you out to perform in a tent & whip you about if you dont get it right!throw you a bit of meat now & then & see how BORED YOU GET!. What makes me sick is people like you who thinkl its okay to treat a living creature this way. circuse STINK!, THEY ARE IMMORAL! i EVEN HATED THEM AS A SMALL CHILD! KNEW INSTINCTIVELY IT WAS WRONG. THE BAN ON CIRCUSES WITH ANIMALS IS COMING MATE….THE MAJORITY OF COMPASSIONATE PUBLIC WANT IT ….SO DEAL WITH IT!