An employee of Nantwich firm Aceso Homecare is braving the shave to help raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Jo Cooper, part of the care team at the firm on London Road in Stapeley, is plucking up the courage to go bald on July 29.

The “Brave the Shave” campaign is run by Macmillan Cancer Support to raise money to help those affected by cancer.

It involves people volunteering to get their hair cut very short, or cut off completely, to at least partially replicate the experience a cancer patient goes through when they experience hair loss during treatment.

Friends, family and other generous people sponsor them money which all gets sent to Macmillan for them to put towards buying equipment and support services for cancer patients.

Jo will have her hair shaved off, which will be collected and donated to the Little Princess Trust, a charity which makes wigs for children who have cancer.

She said: “As a family, we have had a couple of cancer scares this year, luckily that’s all they were.

“Some people are not so lucky.

“Cancer does not discriminate, it doesn’t care about age, race, gender, religion, height, weight or social stature.

“As a society we all see these differences, and why? we’re all human. Cancer doesn’t care, why should we?

“Let’s come together as human beings to fight against cancer. This is my contribution.

“I could raise money other ways, however I think about the little girl sat at home, not wanting to play outside because the other kids are calling her a boy for having no hair, or the young lady who doesn’t feel confident enough to go to the prom because chemo made her hair fall out.

“This day and age the length of your hair defines how beautiful you are.

“I think it’s wrong, so I’m taking a stand against society’s beauty standards as well as raising money and awareness.

“I started thinking about shaving my hair years ago but never understood that I could still feel beautiful and feminine without my hair but now I realise that isn’t true.

“I am beautiful with or without my hair and so are you. That being said, I will be donating my hair for those who have yet to find their confidence.”

You can support Jo by visiting

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