Wells Green Methodist Church - exterior (1)

Wells Green Methodist Church in Wistaston is launching “Café Wells Green” this Friday (April 8), writes Jonathan White.

The café will be open every Friday morning (10am-12pm) and will serve tea, coffee and squash with donations rather than a price list.

The café is open to all and will allow people to chat and meet their neighbours. Sales table. WiFi is available.

Wells Green Methodist Church is located on Brookland Avenue, next to Leonard Brothers Veterinary Centre.

They welcome all people regardless of age, gender, race and background.

For further information on “Café Wells Green” phone 01270 500336 or visit: https://www.facebook.com/wellsgreenchurchwistaston

Other activities at Wells Green Methodist Church include:

– Sundays: 9.30am (1st Sunday each month) – Energise! – half-hour informal service (preceded by refreshments); 10.30am Morning Worship; 10.30am Junior Church (except 1st Sunday of each month); 2.30pm (2nd Sunday of month October-March) Movies with a message – a full screening of a film, plus discussion; 6pm Evening worship on your phone.

– Mondays: 6.30pm Brownies for 7-10½ year old girls in term time.

– Tuesdays: 10am Tiddleywinks – play, crafts and singing for preschoolers plus a parent or carer.

– Wednesdays: 2pm Choir practice (new singers welcome) – wide variety of music plus raise money for charity; 6pm Rainbows for 5-7 year old girls in term time; 7.30pm Guides for 10½-14 year old girls in term time (for information on Rainbows, Brownies and Guides please visit: www.girlguiding.org.uk).

– Thursdays: 8.30pm Night Prayers on your phone.

– Fridays: 7.30pm on last Friday of each month – Cameo – an informal gathering with a topic and refreshments.

Baptism Weddings and Funerals please contact the Minister: Rev’d Sarah Butcher on 01270-666156 or [email protected]

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