Parenting is incredibly rewarding, raising your young ones from tiny babies to young adults and setting them up for a lifetime of success.
But parenting can also be just a bit tiring – not to mention a smidgen stressful!
Any parent loves their kids dearly, but when they’re off age and it’s time for them to fly the nest – there are certainly benefits to be enjoyed!
A recent study from equity release mortgage experts Key Advice found that the majority of parents are all too aware of these benefits. Let’s take a look at the numbers.
More to enjoy
Key’s survey found that almost three-quarters (65%) of parents aged over 45 who had seen one child fly the nest were eagerly anticipating the day that the last of their kids would do likewise.
There are plenty of obvious benefits. A smaller washing pile, lower energy bills, less mess to tidy up.
Indeed, the lack of laundry ranked number one among the things that parents were looking forward to in their empty nest.
Many might be happy to have the extra space and freedom, but it doesn’t mean cutting ties forever.
Of the 1,000 respondents, 61 per cent said they would be “very sad” to see the last of their children leave and the vast majority – almost 9 in 10 – said they would retain an open door policy for their kids to come back and visit whenever they liked.
And for all the material benefits, many parents (32%) who now have an empty nest reported that their relationships with their children were stronger.
Changes to the home
If you’ve had multiple kids move out and there’s no sign of them coming back, you may well be left with a lot of house for just you and maybe your other half.
Those surveyed offered up some of the ways in which they had utilised their kids’ old bedrooms – with 38% moving on and finding a new use.
• Guest bedroom (45%)
• Home office (17%)
• Dressing room (6%)
Others replaced the bedroom with art studios, home gyms and bars for entertaining friends.
No surprise, plenty (12%) now use the room as a place to keep clutter out of sight!
“While your children flying the nest can be an emotional time, it also presents opportunities to start enjoying things in life that you may have had to put on the back burner,” a Key spokesperson said.
“It can be a wrench but with more financial freedom, less responsibilities and more time to devote to your own interests it can mean the start of something new.
“But as many parents whose children have left home know all too well, just because your kids don’t live under the same roof doesn’t mean they won’t need a bit of financial help from time to time.”
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