Dear Editor,
Why is this Independent / Labour administration hiding from public scrutiny?
It is cancelling the November council meeting after having taken a mauling at the October meeting for a harsh and uncaring winter gritting plan and a car parking policy lost to the wilderness.
This council should be supporting its revenue needs by investing in capital assets to support Highways, for example.
The recent Finance sub committee report released on 22nd September 2021 states:
*5.8 Expenditure on the capital programme is £105m against a forecast spend of £136.4m at the third quarter.*
This £31.4m should be invested in the Highways programme to grit the roads that will need clearing of snow and addressing the pot hole disease which is currently inflicted on everyone.
This money should not be* “…slipped into 21/22…”* as the report suggests and lost from sight in some snow drift soon to be near you.
Why should there be a delay to the Crewe Hub development? Waste disposal sites being closed?
This Independent / Labour administration is running but there is no where to hide corporate funding underspends whilst the Conservatives are watching them.
Cllr Michael Beanland
Poynton West & Adlington
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