Dear Editor,
Two years on, does it sound like the Independent/Labour Alliance at Cheshire East Council are finally recognising their failure to take or consider a paramount responsibility, that of safety of its residents.
The October Full Council Meeting saw genuine concern as to the impact of this “cut to winter gritting”, in particular impact on home to school transport routes and the continued silence on the ‘promised grit bins’ for routes ‘cut’.
Pertinent questions were raised by members of the public followed by challenge from the Opposition Conservative Group and the Cycling Champion.
Deputy Leader of Council and Chair of Highways Committee, Cllr Craig Browne, responding by saying, “we will relook at this change of policy in March 2022”
However, Cllr Quentin Abell may well have changed the rhetoric in that at the November Knutsford Town Council Meeting his comments suggested that the enormity of this cut has finally dawned on the Independent Members in that ‘he’ recognised the lack of consideration and foresight this ‘cut to winter gritting routes’ actually means to our
He said: “I happen to know that ‘the gritting’ is being relooked at”
He said more which can be accessed here, 22 minutes into the meeting:
I just hope ‘that being relooked at” is going to be before March and that the ‘call in’ of the initial cabinet decision in February 2020 and representations from residents and councillors since has finally been listened to.
Cllr Rachel Bailey
Audlem Ward
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