Dear Editor,
Labour-run Cheshire East Council has appointed four senior roles with combined pay of almost £500,000.
The Borough Council can afford to pay these fat cat salaries….. but day to day services are in a stark decline.
Highways maintained to the minimum, potholes everywhere, hardly any street cleaning, blocked drains, (leading to flooding), pavements in a disgraceful condition, verges and hedges overgrown, obliterating street signs and
blocking footpaths, grass verges cut to pieces by vehicles, litter everywhere etc.
‘Crewe First’ is calling for these fat cat salaries to be cut.
Once we get councillors elected, at the next opportunity, we will work with the other opposition parties to reduce these top salaries.
Residents can’t afford to pay inflation-busting council tax increases every year.
If you would like to stand for the council and help us in this battle, please get in touch.
Yours faithfully,
Cllr Brian Silvester
Putting Crewe First
Brian read the article again, 2 officers left and 1 retired. Yes there is a new post. I would think you were on the Council when the officer establishment was set up so must have approved the salary structure then. Pay awards have naturally increased the amount paid.