Dear Editor,
Many of our residents will have watched, read or heard about the unedifying behaviour displayed by Councillors at Handforth Parish Council which went viral last week.
Three men, one of which was our own Cheshire East Mayor, Councillor Barry Burkhill (pictured) were present at the meeting and behaving badly.
Cheshire East Council has a council meeting on Wednesday 17th February.
Given the present circumstances, one would ask that Councillor Burkhill considers his position, and stands aside as both the Mayor and Chairman of the meeting.
Cllr Elizabeth Wardlaw
Which member of the Handforth Parish Council are you? https://thetab.com/uk/2021/02/05/ok-so-which-member-of-the-handforth-parish-council-are-you-really-194052
The only one out of order was Jackie Weaver. An unelected clerk who took it upon herself to throw elected councillors out at her own will with no authority to do so and without asking anyone else
I completely agree. It was Jackie Weaver and Jackie Weaver alone who caused the meeting to descend into chaos after only 5 minutes. She had no authority to exclude anyone and she more than anyone else should know that. The Handforth standing orders make that perfectly clear under item 10.
it’s a disgrace that these people are having a hand in our local council’s. All of them should step down if they have a shred of decency about them. The chap who is said he was the vice chair needs anger management classes. Lord of the Flies in the 21st century, despicable bullying behaviour on display!
Disagree. They were all at some fault. Never too old to learn!
We had some much needed fun and entertainment watching it. I think they ALL needed to learn from it and probably will. Leave it at that.