Ombudsman - cheshire east council headquarters - pic by Mike Faherty

Residents in Nantwich are set to pay nearly 5% more Council Tax in 2021/22 than they did this year, writes Ethan Davies.

Cheshire East Council has released its final draft of the authority’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), which lays out the borough’s spending and tax plans from 2021-25.

It shows council chiefs are planning to raise council tax by 4.99% — the maximum allowed by the government, including a 3% precept for adult social care.

It means a Band D property would pay £1,579.03 over 12 months, an increase of around £78 before taking into account rises in other parts of the overall bill.

For Nantwich residents, the CEC rise comes amid plans by Nantwich Town Council to raise their precept by more than 40%, and rises by Cheshire Police and Cheshire Fire Authority.

Cllr Amanda Stott, council cabinet member for finance, said: “Councils face very difficult choices and must strike a balance between protecting vital local services and keeping council tax rises to a minimum.

“We know that the proposed 4.99% increase in council tax for 2021/22 will be a concern for many residents.

“This equates to about £1 per week for the average household.

“We are looking to reduce the impact of this rise on lower income households through changes to our council tax support scheme.

“Beyond 2021/22 we are proposing smaller increases in council tax of 1.99%.

“This is part of a four-year balanced strategy, reflecting preferences voiced through consultation responses, of increasing council tax, implementing service efficiencies and increasing income from fees and charges.

“This approach will allow us to maintain sustainable services, giving greater financial certainty and retaining our commitment to carbon reduction.”

The Labour-Independent council says that spending in ‘people-based services’ will increase ‘by more than £12 million over the next four years’.

However, a more detailed look at the MTFS shows the council is making widespread cuts.

They include £1 million of savings following a review of the borough’s capital programme, £500,000 after a mental health services review, and £67,000 in urban grass cutting.

The proposals will first have to be approved by a cabinet meeting on February 2, before going to a full council meeting on February 17 for the final sign-off.

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  1. Once again council tax rise when incomes are falling for most people, With all upper tier councils being paid over generous pay and pensions which we cannot afford and a useless police bill,
    completely wrong.

  2. Maybe they should start by reducing spending, for example decreasing by 10% the Council itself.

    Smaller goverment = richer society!

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