cheshire police rural team rescue from snow 4

Cheshire Police teams have today warned residents to adhere to Tier 4 restrictions after officers were forced to embark on a 3-hour rescue of families stuck in snow in the county.

Up to 22 people, including a child as young as two, were found trapped in vehicles amid heavy snow falls in the White Peak area yesterday (January 2).

Officers from the Cheshire Police Rural Crime Team said that almost all the families had travelled from the Manchester area, and had “sadly put us all at risk”.

Police set up a centre at a local farm then three officers set off on foot to walk to the location where they found 9 vehicles stranded with 22 people spread among them (and one dog).

“Eight were children all under the age of 10 with the youngest being 2 years old,” a spokesperson said on Facebook.

“The snow had well and truly caught them all out on the back roads, and it soon became apparent that all except one car was from out of Cheshire.

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“We had people from Sale, Stockport and Salford with the closest being Congleton.

“We were three miles from the nearest village, and the light was fading on us quickly.

“It was decided to get everyone out of their cars and so began a 1 mile walk in the snow to the farm we had set up as an RV.

“Once there, we ferried them off the hill to two police vans, who took them off into Macclesfield

“Everyone is off the hill, safe and well.

“It’s TIER 4 for a reason.

“Sadly these people have put all of us at risk today.

“Please don’t venture out into the snow or any high ground (if your not prepared for snow) and keep local.”

(Images courtesy of Cheshire Police Rural Crime Team)

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cheshire police rural team rescue from snow 5

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  1. The government can shut everything down. But it is these stupid thoughtless people who keep spreading the virus. When they disregard instructions COME ON GET I GRIP BEHAVE.

  2. Whatever their reason they should be thinking of the greater good of all people and abide by the rules.

  3. Hopefully they were all charged or issued with a fine.

  4. des thorley says:

    There really are no words for total stupidity!! Pretty amazing parenting, we all feel

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