colleys lane and A530 junction in Willaston

Plans have been unveiled to change the junction of Colleys Lane with the A530 Middlewich Road in Willaston.

Draft proposals from Cheshire East highways include making it no entry into Colleys Lane from the A530.

And the plans also show traffic from Colleys Lane onto Middlewich Road will only be able to turn left as the right turn will be prohibited.

Cheshire East highways state in the proposal: “As part of the Road Safety program we analyse the local sites within Cheshire East that are known for having high numbers of collisions, called cluster sites.

“The A530/Colleys Lane junction is one that has a number of collisions over the years and assessing the types of collision we look at ways to prevent or minimise these types happening again.”

But the plans have already been criticised by some on social media.

One Colleys Lane resident said: “I think that this is a terrible idea.

“I appreciate that turning right out of Colleys Lane at peak times can be dangerous, but this is certainly not the answer.”

Another added: “Ambulance response times to Colleys Lane are going to increase by several minutes.

“Could be life and death. I know if I lived on Colleys how I would feel about that. I have emailed the Cllr.”

Anyone wishing to air their views are being urged to contact Cheshire East ward councillor Cllr Margaret Simon at the following email [email protected]

(Pic courtesy of Google Maps)

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  1. Feed up A530 user says:

    Great News at last!!

    Next to sort Alvaston Hall turn out

  2. sounds totally reasonable and to those who are against it then try to weigh up the possible accidents that will be avoided in the future.

  3. Cpt Sensible says:

    Why not just install traffic lights as was done near the Rising Sun junction? Wouldn’t no entry into Colleys Lane from Middlewich Road delay emergency response vehicle access and time? And what about the access for the farmers? Not logically thought out by Cheshire East, but do we expect any more from our council…!

  4. Garry Rimmer says:

    Common sense at last.

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