Dear Editor,
‘Putting Crewe First’ is the ONLY local political party campaigning against the banning of walk-ins to A&E at Leighton Hospital from November.
A spokesman for Mid Cheshire Hospitals Trust: “It would be wholly inaccurate to suggest any patient will be turned away from the emergency department if they attend & need care.”
This is a classic non-denial denial. A response that Sir Humphrey in ‘Yes Minister’ would be proud of.
The hospital’s response doesn’t say that those who wish to walk upto A&E with an emergency or following an accident will be allowed in.
By November an appointment system, where people ring the NHS 111 service before arriving at an emergency department, will be in place.
Walk-ins to A&E at Leighton Hospital will be BANNED from November and don’t forget that around 65% of A&E patients are ‘walk-ins’.
Why isn’t our Tory MP (a Doctor himself) protesting about it?
Why isn’t the local Labour Party objecting?
Why aren’t the local Tories trying to fight it?
Where are the expressions of concern from the Labour run Borough and Town
We are experiencing a major reduction in local NHS services, without any consultation with residents (which is required in law) and there is a deafening silence from other local politicians, political
parties and Councils.
This huge reduction in a local NHS service will undoubtedly, sadly, lead to additional deaths to local people….. but no other local politician or party is in the least bit concerned.
What on earth is going on ????
Yours faithfully,
Cllr Brian Silvester
Leader – Putting Crewe First
The idea is to ensure people are directed to the most appropriate care to free up A&E for real emergencies.
Many people tun up at A&E with minor complaints which would be better dealt with be seeing a GP or another healthcare professional. This is a waste of the time of the very highly trained emergency medicine staff. If you walk in with your arm hanging off they are obviusly going to treat you, but it is to try to reduce the numbers of people who attend with very minor comlaints.