The headteacher of Malbank Sixth Form College said today she was “proud” of how her students coped during lockdown as A level results were unveiled today.
Hundreds of students across Nantwich and Crewe received their grades today, amid controversy that many have been downgraded from those worked out by teacher assessment.
And although students were unable to sit their exams because of COVID-19, headteacher Jeanette Walker said they had provided “lots of evidence” on the progress they had made.
Ms Walker said: “When the college had to close we were devastated that our students would be denied the opportunity to show their talents.
“Being able to share in their successes today has gone someway to make up for this.
“Having supported students on every step of their journey we are very proud of how they have coped with this very challenging situation and would like to wish all of them well in their next steps.”
Director of Sixth Form Stacey Falamarzi said: “Whilst we are clearly proud of their academic achievements we are just as proud of them as the people they have become.
“It is lovely to see so many students gaining the top grades, we are just as delighted in those students who have made the most progress since they began their courses.”
Some of Malbank’s outstanding results include Will Hall who achieved A*A*AA, Lewis Heath A*AA, Rachel Astbury AAA, Emily Ford A*AA, Hannah Horsley A*AB, Libby Nicholls AAB, Caitlin Oates AAB.
George Lucas also achieved A*s in English Literature and Psychology and Adam Johnson gained Distinctions in BTec Health and Social Care and BTec PE.
Eleanor Davies got A*s in Geography and Maths.
At Brine Leas School, more than 150 students received their A level grades as well.
The school has not released information on individual or headline performances.
Headteacher David Cole said: “This year group is very special for so many reasons.
“They have been awarded an amazing set of qualifications.
“They have lived through extraordinary times and despite a global pandemic, they will go on to achieve in further studies and careers.
“This year group has consistently performed in every aspect of their studies and school life and we are very proud of them.
“They have been an inspiration for us all here at Brine Leas School and as they now progress on to the next chapters in their lives, I just wanted to say directly to them…you truly are an inspirational group of young people who will go on to do brilliant and amazing things.
“Please remember what I said in that last assembly to you back in March… be kind, continue learning, show everyone how good you are and be a good citizen.
“Do not be defined by the situation that you find yourself in. Take control and make your destiny a great one.”
(Pic below: Malbank’s Hannah Horsley, Jeanette Walker, Emily Ford and Will Hall)
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