travellers on barony park (1)

Fencing around Barony Park in Nantwich is more aimed at enhancing the site and may not prevent unauthorised access, a council chief admitted today.

The comments come after a small group of travellers (pictured) were able to gain access to the park at the weekend, despite the new fencing being erected around the perimeter.

Cllr Mick Warren, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for communities, said the fence’s “primary function” was not to prevent unauthorised access.

And he admitted two parks in Macclesfield which have “secure” perimeters had not stopped similar unauthorised groups accessing it.

Residents had criticised as gaps were left wide enough for vehicles to access.

Cllr Warren said: “The new fencing at Barony Park is not primarily intended to be a barrier to prevent unauthorised encampments by the Gypsy and Traveller community.

fund - councillor mick warren
Cllr Mick Warren

“The recent installation of some sections of fencing (varying in height from 60cm to 95cm) around the Barony is designed as part of a wider plan to enhance the site as a venue for recreation, enhance the landscape and biodiversity of the area and protect plantings from careless footfall.

“The boundary treatments in the Barony’s masterplan may also serve to deter unauthorised vehicles, including unauthorised Traveller encampments, from directly accessing the playing fields.

“That is not, however, its primary function.

“So called ‘target hardening’ measures can only be viewed as a deterrent and are not entirely effective at prevention.

“Unauthorised encampments happen across the borough and have, in recent months, included two parks in Macclesfield, which have ‘secure’ perimeters.

“Fencing off one or several locations only moves the problem of unauthorised encampments ‘down the road’ to other locations and offers no real solution.

“We recognise that this is an important issue to residents and communities and we are seeking a long-term solution.

“Whilst providing a transit site is undoubtedly the best solution – and would strengthen the powers of the police to move on unauthorised encampments – it takes time to select the right site and develop the site.

“The council is looking to bring forward a planning application for a Gypsy and Traveller transit site in the autumn. In the meantime, a range of options are being looked at.

“It is important to remember that the council has a responsibility to address all housing needs – including those of Gypsies and Travellers.”

Cllr Arthur Moran, Cheshire East Council ward member for Nantwich North and West, said: “The problem of unauthorised encampments on Barony Park is a long-standing issue and I am pleased to see the council taking some positive steps to deter these encampments in future.

“The latest incursion involved only two caravans taken onto the park via the cycle track.

“I understand further measures are being considered to secure the site, while the plans to substantially upgrade the facilities at the Barony may also serve as a deterrent to future incursions.”

(Image, top, courtesy of Nantwich News reader)

fence around barony park

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  1. Greene Alan says:

    Hi there!
    I was just wondering where “Masterplan” Mick Warren was? He doesn’t seem inclined to reply to comments, but that is hardly surprising. This is not unusual when people in power are able to dismiss the people they represent with disdain.
    I challenge you, Mr Warren, to have a public debate with me and put your point of view forward. I have no doubt that you will decline, citing probably that you are not in a position to discuss issues from behind your desk in an air-conditioned office.
    I look forward to receiving your “thanks, but no thanks” email.
    Kind regards,
    Alan Greene (BA (Hons) PGCE

  2. Greene Alan says:

    I could not agree more with the comments above. My council tax bill is large – I am happy to pay it, but with the understanding that it is spent wisely. The council are doing the exact opposite with the Barony Park farce. Clearly much of my money has been spent training councillors to attend courses where you can talk a lot but actually say nothing. I and my pet dog have been verbally and physically assaulted by these travellers in two occasions and my heart sinks when I see yet another invasion of caravans leaving human waste and filth of others sorts everywhere. I have reported both instances to the police but they say they can do nothing. Did I really just read that one of the councillors used the word “master plan”? Which planet is this person on? Next time they arrive,I will invite him along and he can experience what I have been through twice before – it may be the only way that this airhead might understand the real issues here. Idiot.

  3. What a farce and utterly useless waste of time and money, did we expect anything less from one of the most corrupted councils in the UK? Those 2 caravans were probably just scouting it out to see if it’s still possible to access, and now it’s proven it will serve as zero deterrent.

  4. I couldn’t agree more with the feedback. How can the recreational facilities be enhanced by a ring of caravans and dog waste, especially when those facilities are withdrawn on ‘health and safety grounds’, or inaccessible to the paying public.
    What are our representatives and officials smoking? Can I have some…free of charge?!
    Time to take matters into our own hands, safe in the knowledge that all actions would seem invisible to their hallucinogenic incompetence.

  5. Kieran’s attempt to ‘make Nantwich great again’ by ‘building a wall’ seem to have come to nothing.
    Establish a legitimate Travellers Transit site, apply for a blanket banning order, enforce the existing legislation, and problem solved.

  6. Alistair Raisbeck says:

    According to earlier briefs we are spending £2m on the “improvements” to the Barony Park. They may well have saved the money spent on the fence because it is useless in its present set up. Emergency vehicles and/or Council servicing requirements can be easily met with removable bollards as are in place in other parts of the UK. When I had dealings with the emergency services they just ploughed through the fence in a genuine case!

  7. Well just when you thought you had seen and heard it all in 2020.

    Your really could not make it up.

    The lunatics really are in charge of the asylum.

  8. Speechless. Another embarrassing episode from an embarrassing bunch of councillors. When are going to hear some strong language from the voted representative and the blithering, softer talk as per Cr Moran above. Action is required not talk. It is our money.

  9. I have seen some nonsense from Cheshire East over the years but this just about tops everything else. Just checked the calendar to see if it is April 1st. Unbelievable.

  10. Bit like a chocolate kettle!

  11. roger darley says:

    So it is now not fit for purpose, hilarious, it looks ugly, cheap and will be easily mowed down, trees could have worked better, a forest of them!! I wonder how much money has been wasted? I don’t object to a few caravans parked up from time to time, what I do object to is councillors and police passing the buck wringing hands and not enforcing behaviour that we other mere mortals have to abide by. I reckon the money spent/wasted could have been used to employ a warden who will read the riot act to anyone acting in a socially unacceptable way like driving at speed over the grass, leaving rubbish behind, and generally acting in an anti social way that has really quite understandingly caused a great deal of stress to the residents. We deserve much much better from those who are paid to serve us, total joke

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