A Nantwich pub landlord has appealed for the return of a prized picture stolen from his pub wall.
Ben Taylor-Jones, who runs the Wilbraham Arms on Welsh Row, found his 15-year-old picture of Bob Dylan had been ripped the pub wall and stolen earlier this week.
He said the picture was glued to the wall and must have been stolen on Monday/Tuesday this week.
It’s one of a number of signed music artist pictures which Ben has collected over many years.
Ben said: “This was given to me as a present by someone who has now passed away.
“It was glued to the wall, so someone has ripped it off with brute force.
“I’ve spent 10 years collecting signed artists’ pictures through the venues we’ve run over the years.
“This has NEVER happened in one of our venues before.
“Some are from past customers and some are from family and so they are so sentimental to me.
“I think it’s disgusting and I will be looking back at CCTV and going to the police. So be warned.
“It’s upsetting that we work so hard to put on free entertainment, run a clean and welcoming pub and then someone comes in and steals a picture?!
“Why would you do that? What is wrong with people?
“Chances are, if you’d have asked me I’d have probably given it to you. That’s the sad thing.”
If anyone has information about the picture, contact Ben via the Wilbraham Arms Nantwich Facebook page
nasty 🙁 I hope you trace the pic x
I do hope you get it back . Honestly some people make me sick . Hopefully it was someone drunk and they will leave it where you can find it . # Nantwich resident
Absolute scumbag.