Nantwich Library is as busy as ever in July, and here is what’s on offer for residents young and old.
Community Coffee Mornings
Fridays 9.15am – 12pm
Hosts/activities for July include-
Crafts and games
Talks from Coffee Morning regulars Sheila and Mary
Winsford Wolves Visually Impaired Football Club
ITea & Chat
Thursday 4th July 2.30pm – 4pm
Drop in with your tablet, smartphone or laptop for some free friendly advice. Refreshments are available.
Lego Club
Tuesday 9th July 4pm
Free building fun for children. No need to book.
Laura Smith MP Surgery
Friday 12th July 10am – 12pm
Drop in.
Family Storytime
Saturday 27th July 11am
A spectacular space special to celebrate this year’s theme for the Summer Reading Challenge! Stories for all the family to enjoy, plus a craft to enjoy afterwards.
Free, no need to book.
The Library Sings… The Sounds of Summer
Wednesday 10th July 11am
No need to book. Refreshments available from £1.50. Adults of all ages welcome.
Nantwich Pride
Friday 12th July
3.30 – 4.30
Come and make a rainbow flag and a badge to celebrate Nantwich Pride. Free but donations gratefully received. All ages welcome.
In addition there are regular Monday Coffee Morning (10am-12pm), Megabloks on a Monday, Rhymetime, Storytime and Baby Bounce.
There are also language conversation groups – French, German, Spanish, Welsh, Russian and Italian.
Anyone interested should contact the library for more details, call 01270 375361 or email [email protected]
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