Coed Wen Cubs

Cubs from 7th SWC Millfields in Nantwich have continued their community conservation work at Coed Wen Community Woodland in Nantwich.

As part of their DIY badge, the Cubs built four bird houses but with no confirmed location to put them up.

Now, thanks to connections made through their work with Nantwich Litter Group, Nantwich Civic Society and The Nantwich Partnership, they were introduced to Coed Wen.

Doug Butterill, of Greenspaces South Cheshire CIC, helped the youngsters put up the bird houses and sow wildflower seeds around the woodlands.

Doug said: “Working with the Cubs is a real pleasure.

“Coed Wen is only a young wood and is improving all the time, it is being managed to attract wild life especially birds, so the Cubs bird houses are particularly welcome.”

Cubs at Coed Wen

Wildflower seeds, donated by Kew Gardens, consisted of a range of flowers including common knapweed, viper’s-bugloss and red campion which will bring colour and attract pollinating insects to the woodlands.

Assistant Cub Leader Cheryl Hamlyn said: “We are so lucky to have such an amazing space here in Nantwich.

“The Cubs have not only enjoyed taking part in the conservation aspect, they have really enjoyed exploring the area.

“It is the ideal outdoor classroom and we are just happy that we could participate in adding to the beauty that already exists here.”

Cubs plant seeds at Coed Wen

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