Nantwich police officers entered into the Halloween ‘spirit’ – and helped keep anti-social incidents down.
Officers said they enjoyed a busy Halloween night in the town last night, but mainly for the right reasons.
And despite one or two minor anti-social behaviour incidents involving youths, they say the celebrations passed off well.
PC Matt Stonier said: “Later in the evening, we had reports of ASB including groups of youths throwing eggs and fireworks being set off, although no specific reports of damage being caused.
“Eggs were recovered from a group of unknown youths, they were spoken to. This was an isolated incident, and we have had no reports of assaults during the evening.”
The police team helped foster a fun spirit by dressing up, decorating the station, and greeting youngsters and their parents as they went trick or treating.
And their pictures sent out on social media, like many recent ones, were greeted positively by many.
PC Stonier added: “It was a busy night in the town, started with great positive community engagement from the station which then went mobile – stopping at families out trick or treating and handing out sweets etc.
“On the whole everyone has entered into the spirit of Halloween and it was nice to see so many families out together meeting neighbours, dressing up and having fun.”
Many have praised Nantwich Police for their “community policing” messages and using social media to show the wider public what they do.
PC Stonier added: “We’ve had lots of complimentary comments from people in the town, which is great.
“For me it has been a huge benefit especially to community engagement. Interaction like this I feel is key to genuine engagement and increasing public confidence.”
The @PoliceNantwich Twitter account has grown by 800+ followers in just two months.
(pictures courtesy of Nantwich Police)
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