travellers on love land car park

Travellers who have occupied a council-run car park close to Nantwich town centre are likely to be moved in the next 24 hours.

The travelling families set up camp on Love Lane car park over the weekend.

Nantwichnews understands that Cheshire East Council staff are trying to persuade the families to relocate and are likely to give them a 24-hour deadline.

Failure to do so could result in court action, although the council has not released a formal statement on the situation.

Cheshire Police said they were “monitoring” the situation after some residents took to social media to complain.

Many are angry that they are taking up parking spaces without paying.

Another said they were “causing chaos” and were a “nuisance”.

Cheshire Police tweeted: “We are aware of this and monitoring. If there is a specific incident right now please call us.”

We have contacted and are awaiting statements from Cheshire East Council and Cheshire Police.

(picture courtesy of Nantwichnews reader)

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  1. “Cheshire East are trying to persuade…..” I really don’t understand this soft approach to illegal, anti-social and utterly selfish behaviour. Would they try and persuade me if I didn’t pay my Council Tax or insure my car?

  2. As always the law abiding fair minded local people of Nantwich find themselves abused by a small minority of lawless gypsy types who ignore local regulations occupy a public car park, avoid parking charges, create litter and adversely impact local social cohesion and abuse the facilities that we all cherish and help maintain through local council charges? And who will have to clear up the mess after the’ve moved on? Why is the local authority and police so slow and timid in dealing with these individuals? Our rights and local facilities trumped by lawless travellers?

  3. Washing is out on the line now. This is a public car park in the middle of town – and as noted elsewhere anyone else would get a ticket and then towed away.
    There is plenty of land a bit further out (Barony eg) where they could have parked with far less disruption to the people who actually pay for this car park and its maintenance.

  4. They have been going into morrisons and stripping off and washing themselves in the hand basins!!! Taking over customer toilets and nothing can be done!!

  5. chris smith says:

    Would someone from the Council like to tell me what I could expect if I turned up with a caravan and parked across four parking bays in a town car park. Could I reasonably expect to be there for a few days unmolested until eventually being asked to leave, without making any payment, within 24 hours?

  6. I can remember one evening in Nantwich when several traffic wardens targeted all the cars parked in Pillory/Hospital street that were on double yellow lines as the drivers collected their take away meals from the local businesses. No doubt they are planning a raid on Love Lane car park tonight!

    A couple of other stories local residents should be aware of too,

    • The illegal parking on Pillory and Hospital street needs to be stopped as it causes the road to be blocked, occasionally the emergency services need to get through.

  7. Cops should make an effort to check all their flash cars for valid insurance,mot and tax!!!!!!

  8. Past them today, they all looked very tidy, thought it was a caravan show!!
    Bit of a nerve being as tho the town is short on car parking.

  9. David mcaffrey says:

    Wish u people’s would just leave us alone to live are life’s we disurve to live were we like, just wait til they anownse the biggest ever travellers site in the uk in Nantwich yes Nantwich let’s see who’s crying then

    • I bet you’ve stayed in less friendly towns than this one tho.

      It’s true there aren’t enough dedicated traveller sites being built and I think the plans for the Nantwich sites are on hold.

      It would be nice to have no junk to clear up when you move on.

    • What is this David Mcaffrey talking about? There are no planning applications in Nantwich for travellers’ sites, are there?

    • ‘biggest ever travellers site in the uk in Nantwich ‘-

      WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Traveller18 says:

    Am a traveller you can say we are all bad and let’s face it you wouldn’t go over to them and as them to leave…. Keyboard Warriors

  11. The car park shouldn’t be used as a camp site. No one else is allowed to camp overnight or park across bays or park for free. If I parked on there without paying or breaking any of the car park rules I’d be fined and if I didn’t pay the fine, the fine would go up and the bailiffs would be sent round. Somehow the travellers get away with it.

    It’s causing problems in surrounding roads as people who normally park on Love Lane are parking in the side roads and the people who live in Pillory Street having to put up with the noise and mess.

  12. william swindley says:

    these travellers have no respect for their surroundings or the local community and will leave a lot of rubbish for others to deal with when they eventually leave. What sort of council take this long to deal with them especially in the town centre.

    • Marjorie McCluskey says:

      I completely agree with Mr Swindley…. They have no respect or decorum for any of the local residents. Whilst driving along Waterlode on Sunday morning I witnessed one of the male traveller’s standing at the grass verge in full view of the traffic and residents over on The Blankey cleaning his teeth with a bottle of water and spitting it out….. How lovely for the town folk of Nantwich ?

  13. Why on earth it should take 24hrs to move them is beyond me…… I feel sorry for Nantwich baths cos that is where they will be showering, but then again maybe not. They were running around Nantwich town tonight like idiots and had no respect for the town or anybody in it, Get bloody rid ASAP……

  14. Give them all a parking ticket for exceeding the allotted time!!!!
    Bet nobody pays.

  15. If they haven’t got a valid ticket, treat them like any other car. Ticket them. Then if the car or caravan is still there 24 hours later then bring in the tow truck and take it away to be crushed.

    • Crush their homes yea sounds good idea shall we bulldoze your house
      I agree shouldnt be there but seriously think bout it they be gone in few days

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