Furious town centre residents in Nantwich had a sleepless night – thanks to noisy workmen refurbishing a health shop!
Pictures and video footage taken by residents show workers inside the Holland & Barrett store on High Street in Nantwich throughout the night.
They were heard drilling, banging and leaving the radio on throughout the night until 5am.
Images also show dangerous equipment and rubble left outside the store at night, unsecured.
Now many have complained to the company and Cheshire East Council.
One sleepless resident Kate Woodward, who filmed a video which she tweeted out, said the work ran from 8pm to 5am – and was told it could be for another two weeks.
She said: “I live next door!
“We have shared access. The video footage is from my bedroom window!
“And they even had the radio playing! Ironic really, as H&B promotes good health. I’ve had no sleep at all.
“I’ve been in touch with the council and Holland & Barrett head office.
“Both have said how unacceptable it is.”
Another resident, Peter Astall, tweeted: “Hope no one trips over @holland_barrett rubbish… in the dark… in the middle of the night #nosleep
“Building work at Holland & Barrett in Nantwich is all night! Not supposed to be any building work carried out after 6pm!”
Holland & Barrett bosses have promised residents to find out how work through the night was allowed.
A spokesman for the company told her: “We have contacted our facilities team and regulatory services teams to find out how this has happened.
“We really apologise for the noise coming from the store, this isn’t acceptable.
“We have passed over all of the videos/photos you had tweeted to show how bad this really is. As soon as we get a response we will be in contact with you again, thank you for your patience.”
Nantwichnews has also contacted Holland & Barrett and we are awaiting a statement.
(Pictures courtesy of Twitter users)
1 night of trivial inconvenience……..! Stop moaning and get a life!
I’m sorry, but how on earth can the town centre be classed as a ‘residential area’? Businesses have to carry out repairs and cause as little disruption as possible to when their store opens. Carry out the repairs during the day and you’ll have the public complaining the store is closed.
And I’m sorry, but when you live next to the Studio and countless pubs, how is noise which is drowned out by the ringing of the church bells every 15 minutes a problem?!
We live alongside the railway crossing, and get overnight noise regularly with repairs etc.
If only we had the 6pm ruling too!!
Nothing is sacred anymore, not even sleep.
The railway was there before you moved into your house, so you knew it was going to be noisy. There is no reason why building work has to be carried out in the middle of the night in a residential area.
Haha you are quite wrong there, the railway line had much less traffic twenty years ago, and much less noise from the level crossing barriers too.
Repairs were never done at midnight, to finish at 2/4am like they do now!! These times seem to suit the railways not residents.
A town centre is not generally a large residential area, but then again shop fitters forget that now in many towns there are apartments above shops.
This must be a one off epic fail by the shop fitters, as I have never come across such a problem before.