A Nantwich councillor has urged resident to air their views on whether plans for a Nantwich South bypass linking the A500 to the A530 are viable.
Cheshire East Council leader Cllr Michael Jones revealed last week how the idea is being considered in a bid to alleviate traffic problems in Nantwich.
Now Nantwich South and Stapeley Cllr Peter Groves has called for a “broad consultation” on the idea of a bypass which could be opened in less than 10 years.
“We clearly need to alleviate current problems,” said Cllr Groves.
“Many of which stem from the age of the road network, which was designed with the occasional motor car in mind, not the thousands of traffic movements of both cars and HGVs we see now.
“Parents dropping and collecting children from school in Broad Lane or at Brine Leas will know precisely what I mean, as will motorists stuck at the lights in Welsh Row.
“We are also seeing large HGVs coming up from Whitchurch on the A530 and causing issues at peak times in the town centre, especially around the Park Road/Wellington Road junction.
“Additionally, we must take into account the potential effects of both existing and future housing development, such as that being built at Kingsley Fields and Queens Drive and also the potential for HS2 to happen.
“HS2 is a potentially a generational opportunity to get things right, and a Nantwich South bypass could alleviate a number of the current traffic issues.
“It would also provide access to people in Shropshire to HS2 and alleviate the problem raised earlier with HGVs using the A530.
“What is important is that we have a broad consultation, but that consultation needs to be holistic and not just focus on traffic issues.
“It needs to review sustainability, notably in such areas as GP appointment waiting times/access to hospitals and dentists, schooling and employment.
“I would encourage everyone to have their say on what needs to be done and play their part in improving transports links , both now and in the future for South Cheshire.”
Many residents have already aired their views on social media since we published the story last week.
One said: “Definitely scope for a solution.
“Far too much heavy traffic is forced onto Park Road from the north Shropshire direction. It’s inappropriate for a residential area, reduces the potential of Nantwich Lake as a tourist destination and must be a constant frustration for hauliers.”
Another added: “This was always going to happen regardless of what local people think.
“That is why planning was given for all the houses at the top of Queens Drive then more, massive upgrade to the water supply.
“I think developers have their eye on building on the agricultural land towards coole and Whitchurch. Joining up Sound, Wrenbury Aston, Ravensmoor.”
And Pat Cullen, spokesman for Protect Stapeley campaign group, said: “Let’s be careful what we wish for.
“It sounds like a good good idea but like every other town with a bypass, the pieces of land inside the bypass get filled in by developers.
“It is exactly what has happened between Nantwich and Crewe – the land between the A500 and Gresty Road is to be built on.
“Have a look at an aerial map of Nantwich South – the land ‘locked-in’ by a bypass from Cheerbrook Roundabout to the A530 Whitchurch Road could probably accommodate 4000 to 5000 houses. Is that what we want?
“I agree that we need an integrated solution to the ever burgeoning traffic problems in Nantwich. A Local Plan is the starting point.”
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Is this Nantwich south A500-A530 bypass still planned?