Seven drink drive arrests were made in Nantwich as part of a Cheshire Police summer drink drive crackdown.
The number of arrests shows no decrease on the same period last year, despite other parts of Cheshire showing a reduction.
In Crewe, there were only five arrests compared to 14 in 2014.
Congleton showed a small increase from 10 to 11, while Wilmslow and Knutsford also in East Cheshire division both dropped sharply.
Operation Roadster was part of a nationwide campaign launched at the start of June.
It was part of Cheshire Police’s bid to combat drink and drug driving and reduce serious injuries and deaths in Cheshire.
The results suggest many drivers are heeding the warnings issued by police about the dangers of drink driving.
But force has seen an increase in the number of drug drive arrests linked to the new roadside testing kits introduced in March 2015.
In June 2014, there were just six arrested for drug driving. Last month, there were 53 arrests.
Superintendent Bev Raistrick, head of Cheshire Roads Policing Team, said: “Driving under the influence of either alcohol or drugs is extremely dangerous.
“It affects your reaction time, making it harder for you to judge your speed, judge your distance between you and other vehicles and notice potential hazards.
“All of this means you are more likely to be involved in a collision while driving under the influence of either alcohol or drugs.
“As well as the dangers, there are also serious consequences for anyone who is caught drink or drug driving.
“Not only do they face losing their licence, they also face a large fine, going to court and a possibility of a prison sentence; all of which could have a big impact upon their life and may affect their employment.
“I also want to reassure residents that although this operation has concluded, it is an issue we continue to target seven days a week, 365 days a year.”
Anyone who suspects that somebody is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol should call Cheshire Police on 101 or for further information go to www.cheshire.police.uk
(picture courtesy of Cheshire Police)
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