Scouts and Girlguiding new groups in Nantwich

New Scouts and Girlguiding groups are being launched near Nantwich to help cope with rising demand, writes Kirsty Rollings.

The latest groups will be based at the newly refurbished Worleston Village Hall in Worleston.

Scouts and Girlguiding, among nine youth organisations making up Cheshire Youth United network, has around 20,000 young members in Cheshire.

So the new groups will provide valuable spaces to meet a growing demand for membership.

Taster sessions will be held later this month, giving youngsters and prospective adult volunteers a chance to experience the fun and adventure offered.

The drop-in taster sessions for Girlguiding will take place on Monday March 23 and March 30, 6.30-7.30pm.

Girls aged 5-11 can attend to build friendships, gain life skills and make a difference to their local community.

Cathy Consterdine, Weaver Division Commissioner of Girlguiding Cheshire Boarder, said: “I am proud to be a part of Girlguiding and so pleased we are opening a new unit in Worleston.

“Our unique ‘girl only’ policy allows girls and young women space to be themselves, discover and achieve their potential through a wide range of opportunities.”

Boys and girls aged 6-14 who are interested in becoming Beavers, Cubs or Scouts are invited to taster sessions on Wednesday March 25 and April 1, 6.30-8pm.

Assistant County Commissioner of Cheshire Scouts John Duley said: “Adventure is at the heart of everything we do.

“It is the single most important thing that sets Scouts apart. It’s exciting being involved with us.

“We believe through the everyday adventure of Scouting, young people and adult volunteers regularly experience new challenges that enrich their lives.”

Cheshire Youth United are appealing for adult volunteers to join the new groups in Worleston.

Prior experience is not necessary.

Anyone interested and needing further information, contact Alice Dean, Youth United Development Manager, on 07837111020 or via email [email protected]

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