The Mayor of Nantwich travelled to Raunheim in Germany to help cement a link between two towns – and pay tribute to victims of World War One.
Cllr Christine Farrall visited the town to take part in a commemoration event to mark the centenary of the Great War.
She was invited by Raunheim Mayor Thomas Juehe because of Malbank School’s well-established exchange arrangement with Anne-Franke-Schule.
Mayor of Trofarello, Gianfranco Visca from Italy, and Councillor Jean-Paul Michel, from Le Teil in France, were also present.
Cllr Farrall took part in a Commemoration of Memorial Day organised by students of Anne Franke Schule.
She presented the standard of Malbank School to the headteacher and spoke about the twinning arrangements between Nantwich and Raunheim.
In a speech she said: “Your town and my town formed a twinning link in 1979, after an American airman, who was stationed near Raunheim, took a canal holiday and decided to stop at our local marina by Malbank School.
“He walked into Nantwich and enjoyed his visit.
“On his return to base, the school was contacted to see if there was any interest in forging links with his education section.
“Exchanges took place in 1979 and 1980 and then were widened to include pupils from your Ann-Frank-Schule.
“On November 11, I was invited to attend the Remembrance Service at Malbank School.
“It was especially poignant for all of us there to know that I would be here, providing the physical link between our two towns to remember all who lost their lives in wartime.
“When we are born, we cannot choose our nationality, we are educated in our society and in time of war we serve our country.
“Each of our countries suffered a terrible loss of life and many families were destroyed by the loss of a brother, husband and father.
“This is what has brought us together, never to forget the ultimate sacrifices that our young people made at that time.”
The visit builds on the Friendship Accord between Nantwich Town Council and Raunheim which was signed in 1998 to strengthen links and exchange visits between Malbank and Anne-Franke Schule.
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