Two pub landlords in Nantwich have been left deflated after crooks stole their bouncy castles.
Thieves smashed down the rear fence of the Boot and Shoe pub in Hospital Street earlier today (July 16) to carry out their latest raid.
They made off with the pub’s popular bouncy castle and blower from the garden, costing the owners around £1,000.
And it comes just a week after a clown-shaped bouncy castle at the Jolly Tar pub off the A51 Nantwich Road at Wardle was stolen in similar circumstances.
Now other pubs and restaurants are being warned to keep tight security on their inflatable attractions to deter the gang.
Jan Cullen, landlady at the Boot and Shoe, said: “They must have parked in Morrisons carpark at the rear, because they pushed the fence down at the back and stole it some time between 2.30am and 6am.
“It has led to a lot of very upset children today. These idiots have ruined kids’ fun in this weather, and cost us a lot of money.
“We’re keeping an eye on eBay to see if they try to sell it. These people are just scumbags.”
Jolly Tar landlord Dave Conneely said the theft of their castle (pictured, right) will cost them £1,400, just 12 weeks after he took over at the pub.
It was taken in the early hours of the morning last Tuesday (July 9).
“They must have parked up on the main road, climbed over the fence and towed it away,” he said.
“They’ve taken our clown castle and the blowers, it could destroy us financially in this weather because we rely on the family trade.
“I’m gutted that anyone could do this. It’s our pub mascot as well as our bouncy castle, so it is very distinctive.
“One of our customers reckons he saw it in Wrexham town centre. We’ve notified the police, I want these people caught.”
Anyone with information or if you have seen the castles, contact Jan at Boot and Shoe on 01270 625193, and Dave at The Jolly Tar on 01270 528707.
(Pics courtesy of Boot and Shoe and The Jolly Tar)
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