Nantwich Police have this week been warning motorists against poor parking – but one driver clearly wasn’t listening!
A sharp-eyed Nantwichnews reader sent in these pictures which show how a woman driver did everything but keep a fire exit clear.
Her Audi car was spotted being parked on Morrisons carpark in Nantwich early yesterday (May 15).
And despite dozens of empty spaces within a few feet, she still decided to leave the vehicle blocking the supermarket’s rear fire exit.
“She just locked her car and wandered off down Pillory Street,” said our reader.
“I couldn’t believe it! It’s not as if she was struggling to find a parking space.
“I didn’t see her return but a member of staff was waiting for her.”
It comes in a week when local police have warned shoppers and visitors about poor parking on the town’s streets.
Sgt Ian Bennett said they will take action against inconsiderate parkers if necessary.
“If there’s an unnecessary obstruction, the police will deal with it That might initially be an advisory notice on the windscreen, but could result in cars being towed and a release fee being paid.
“Anyone wishing to report such an obstruction should call the non-emergency police number ‘101’.”
It is interesting how some people seem able to go about their lives with complete disregard for the problems they cause for others.