Dog Bin - clean up

Nantwich Litter Group volunteers are appealing to the town’s dog walkers to clean up their mess.

Members of the group say dog poo is still a problem on streets, parks and open spaces.

And one of the biggest problems is finding dog bags thrown in bushes and grass verges.

A spokeswoman for the group said: “Whilst the vast majority of dog owners act conscientiously to clean up after their pets, a minority are allowing them to foul public areas leading to the all too familiar horror of dog poo on shoes, pushchair wheels, sports equipment and so on.

“Volunteer litter pickers regularly encounter dog bags thrown into bushes and then have the unpleasant task of retrieving them and arranging proper disposal.

“Ideally dog walkers should train their pets to toilet in a suitable area before leaving home.

“When in public areas, a biodegradable dog bag should be used to clean up and then be deposited in the nearest dog bin.

“Where no bin is available the dog bag should be taken home for disposal or double wrapped and placed in an ordinary litter bin.”

Nantwich Town Council has funded extra dog poo bins around the town, and Stapeley Parish Council has carried out dog stenciling initiatives to highlight problem areas.

Dog fouling is an offence and if caught allowing your dog to foul a public area without cleaning it up can lead to fines.

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One Comment

  1. Maybe a dog waste bin on the footpath close to the Stapeley community hall would be a good idea.

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