Nantwich in Bloom’s long-serving chairman Doug Butterill is standing down due to ill health.

Doug has been instrumental in leading the Nantwich in Bloom team to success over the years, including regional and national accolades.

In 2012, Nantwich won a prestigious Silver Gilt award in the RHS Great Britain in Bloom competition.

Judges praised the town, one of only six to gain an award in the most competitive category.

Doug (pictured, centre, planting with Stapeley children) has led a band of volunteers and helpers for many years in keeping the town centre in blooming good health.

Now they are looking for a new chairman to continue the good work.

Cllr Norma Simpson said: “Doug has retired due to ill health. The agm has been put back to April in the hope we can find a replacement in the meantime.”

Nantwich Mayor Cllr Graham Fenton said: “We are so thankful and grateful for all of Doug’s hard work over the years.”

The group is also advertising for new volunteer members, for those willing to help with planting and weeding around the town.

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  1. I wish Doug all the very best… he has done a lot for Nantwich and always puts the town first

  2. I wish Doug well, a good man who lives and breathes Nantwich

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