Nantwich students donated 72.52 kilos of food to help people in need in their local community.
Around 50 animal management students from Reaseheath College collected in-date, non perishable food after an appeal by Nantwich Foodbank.
The initiative is one of 300 foodbanks nationwide which has been set up through The Trussell Trust in response to food poverty.
Students handed over large boxes of tins, jars and packets to Nantwich Foodbank volunteer coordinator Barbara Phillips.
Foodbank clients receive a voucher from care professionals such as doctors, health visitors or social workers.
They will receive sufficient food to last three days while longer term plans are put in place. The foodbank also delivers emergency food boxes to clients in rural areas.
Nantwich Foodbank, new to the town this year, takes donations from colleges, schools, businesses and individuals, as well as supermarkets.
Project manager Jane Emery said: “We are aiming to get the community involved in helping its own members.
“We need more fantastic contributions like the one we received from Reaseheath’s students. Thank you all so much.”
Animal Management course manager Emma Caskie added: “We encourage our students to engage with their local community as part of their course.
“As well as supporting a really good cause they have got a lot out of it themselves. It has made them realise there are a lot of people, including people of their own age, who are worse off than themselves.”
For further details contact Nantwich Foodbank E: [email protected]
(Pictured: Animal management students Jodi Morana, Kamarra Green, Chantelle Thomas & Toni Whitehead hand over the food boxes to Barbara Phillips, volunteer Co-ordinator of Nantwich Foodbank)
I find this report astonishing. According to “Call me Dave” Cameron, our beloved PM, the UK is doing OK, all is going well and we are on the right lines – he said this on TV recently. How can there possibly be a need for food banks when we are doing so well? Could it be that “Call Me Dave” doesn’t really understand what is happening in the UK? Surely not!! Perish the thought!
I note today that benefits are now to be removed from pensioners again, according to a Tory ministerial announcement – not just rich pensioners (as first stated) but “all but the poorest pensioners” – in other words about 95% of pensioners. I find it interesting that our local Tory MP remains pretty silent about these things – wonder why? I expect he’s too busy with photo calls, meeting celebs etc etc.