The national Samaritan’s Purse initiative Operation Christmas Child is setting up its first Nantwich depot.
This year, shoeboxes with small gifts for needy children across the world donated in Nantwich will be checked and sent off direct.
The local depot will be the Market Street Baptist and United Reformed Church, close to the Civic Hall.
St Mary’s Church will be taking in boxes until November 25, and then boxes can go direct to the Market Street depot between November 26-30.
Over the past 22 years, Operation Christmas Child has delivered 94 million shoeboxes to needy children across 100 countries. Organisers hope to reach the 100 million mark this year.
“We’re asking everyone across the UK to help us achieve this remarkable milestone,” said Samaritan’s Purse UK Executive Director, Simon Barrington.
Shoeboxes can be filled with small gift, visit www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk for ideas.
You can also donate “filler” items which can be used to complete part-filled shoeboxes at the depot, including anything from pens, pencils, new soft toys or hats and scarves.
And volunteers are also asked to help at the Nantwich depot between November 26-30 from 10.30am to 9.30pm to help check boxes and prepare them for their journey.
For information about Operation Christmas Child and gifts we can accept, visit www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk or ring the Nantwich depot on 07591 708127.
Collection can be arranged for 50 or more boxes. Call the number above to book a slot for collection.
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