A Nantwich councillor has launched plans to lower energy costs for local residents.
Town Cllr Stuart Hutton is urging people to sign up to a Collective Energy Bargaining Scheme.
Cllr Hutton, who defected from the Tories to join UKIP this year, believes this will help force energy companies to lower prices.
He hopes to sign up at least 5,000 households to use as a negotiation with suppliers.
“Like many local households, I was angered to hear that the ‘big six’ energy providers have conspired to increase their prices well above the rate of inflation yet again,” he said.
“Clearly, the free market model, which should deliver a more competitive industry, greater efficiencies through innovation and lower costs is not working.”
He blames the “confusing tariffs, deals, lock-ins and standing charges of energy companies” for preventing residents from shopping around.
“By working together as a community, and pooling our buying power, we can force the energy providers to lower their prices,” he added.
“This is exactly what I plan to do, to save money for households in Crewe and Nantwich.”
To join the Collective Energy Bargaining Scheme visit www.stuarthutton.com and follow the link for ‘Energy’.
What planet is this bloke on ? All this Gas about getting support from the Electrical Roll !!!
Thanks Barney.
A planet where Local Councillors get of their backsides to do things to help communities. Please feel free to register your interest in the scheme.
Best Regards – Cllr. Stuart Hutton.