Housing developers were given a rough ride by angry residents and councillors over their “Nantwich South” plans.
Muller Property gave a presentation to Nantwich Town Council before being grilled by campaigners and councillors objecting to the 1,000 home scheme.
One councillor said the company could be seen to be putting “their own interests first”, while others cast doubt on traffic surveys and called for brownfield sites to be used first.
Carl Davey, Muller’s director of development, said the company could submit an outline application for the first phase of their development as early as next week.
He said the 47-hectare greenfield site between Peter de Stapleigh Way, London Road and Audlem Road offered the best opporunity to meet the increased housing need identified in the Regional Spatial Strategy.
“The town strategy identifies a need for 1,100 new homes by 2030,” he said.
“We have demonstrated we are committed to the localism, we have amended our plans after listening to the public, we have increased retail and job opportunities, and due to opposition to entry from Bishop’s Wood we have amended this.”
But the mood of the meeting quickly changed when councillors and residents hit back after his presentation.
Cllr Andrew Martin pointed out that the Nantwich South site was bottom of a list of five potential sites for development drawn up by the Nantwich Town Strategy stakeholders.
“The infrastructure is not in place for this sort of development in Stapeley,” he added.
“To have any more traffic going down Broad Lane beggars belief.”
Campaigner Mark Williams called for brownfield sites to be brought forward first before any development is considered on greenfield land.
And fellow objector Pat Cullen, coordinator of the Protect Stapeley group, said there was no need for additional commercial use.
“Stapeley Technology Park has units for rent, there is more commercial property available in the town centre, it seems daft to put more in,” he added.
“We all know this is the short end of the wedge and this first phase will lead to 1,015 houses. It seems absolutely crazy that we going to have another load of vehicles down busy, narrow roads where schoolchildren walk today.”
Cllr David Marren called on Muller to delay submitting their application until the Nantwich Town Strategy consultation had concluded on Cotober 1.
“It would demonstrate that you are concerned about Nantwich and its environment,” he said.
“Otherwise it seems you are putting your own company’s interests first.”
Mr Davey said the town strategy and Cheshire Local Plan won’t be completed and adopted by Cheshire East until 2014.
“We don’t believe we should be waiting until then,” he added.
Deputy Mayor Cllr John Lewis told the company: “There is clearly strong opposition to massive development, and this is the position that this council has taken.
“We have submitted our objections, and members of the public must put their views on paper and submit them to Cheshire East.”
Isn’t ‘putting your own company’s interests first’ what running a company is all about? Muller Property is a local company, employing local people, suppliers, manufacturers, sub-contractors and consultants. They have every right to try to ensure that they continue to provide employment by doing what they do. It’s called competitive enterprise, and it’s what we are all supposed to support.
It is irrational to have a go at the developer for daring to put in an application. The opportunity for developing this site is there as a result of weak and contradictory planning policies, otherwise Muller would not have bothered to waste their time and money on the preparation of an outline proposal. It will be up to the Local Planning Authority to vet and pass judgement on the application.
There were fewer than 10 members of the public at the Town Strategy consultation in the Library last Thursday evening. If people really care about the town and what happens to it in the next 18 years, they should, as Cllr Lewis said ‘put their views on paper and submit them to Cheshire East’. Otherwise, all this sound and fury signifies nothing.