Save The Green Gap - Willaston Action Team campaign

Residents are being urged to sign an e-petition to “Save The Green Gap” around Nantwich and surrounding villages.

Willaston Green Gap Action Team has launched the e-petition on the Government’s website.

They are fighting to prevent further development on ‘Green Gap’ land between Willaston, Wistaston, Shavington and Haslington.

These are areas originally identified in 1993 by the former Crewe & Nantwich Borough Council that should have restrictions on development.

The petition has been  backed by local Willaston and Rope Councillor Brian Silvester.

He said: “It is essential the green gaps between the villages and Crewe and Nantwich are maintained.

“The Willaston Green Gap Action Team has done excellent work to emphasise the importance and popularity of the green gap policy.

“The new Local Plan is being prepared and the e-petition will maintain the pressure on planners and councillors to retain the green gaps in their entirety.

“We do not want to see the urban sprawl that destroys communities and that has disfigured so many other parts of the country.”

Anna Cutts, of Willaston Green Gap Action Team, said the petition would emphasise the “virtually unanimous wishes of local inhabitants” who responded to the consultation process.

“Support this petition and make localism a reality and not merely an empty slogan,” she added.

The e-petition can be viewed at

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One Comment

  1. I object to the wistaston green gap being filled with houses

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