The “Paintings and drawings of Dorothy Bradford” exhibition opens in Nantwich Museum’s Millennium Gallery this Saturday March 24.

The display, on until May 26, is a welcome return of the acclaimed art of the late Dorothy Bradford.

The work focuses on movement of musicians, dancers, horses and riders, birds and groups of people.

Dorothy always said “movement is life” and made it her life’s work to record the movements that fascinated and delighted her.

The relationship of human beings and their activities and environment is explored seeking the shapes, colours, forms, rhythms, images etc. reflecting the truths and laws which underlie them. The constantly changing inter-relationships are visually revealed.

Dorothy Bradford was born in Cumbria of an artistic family and always knew she wanted to be an artist.

She attended Liverpool College of Art and, after moving to London, worked with the Council for the Encouragement of Music and Arts the forerunner of the Arts Council.

While in London she studied at the Central School and St Martins. She returned to Liverpool obtaining major commissions at the city’s Anglican Cathedral and New Philharmonia Orchestra.

In later life she moved to Nantwich where she continued to work until her death in 2008, aged 90.

For details contact the museum on, phone 01270 627104, visit

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