Developers have given the strongest hint yet that retail giant Marks & Spencer will be opening in Nantwich.
Property investors said on Twitter “M&S are on board” for the old health clinic on Beam Street. A “25 year lease” was also mentioned.
Plans for the redevelopment of the old clinic (pictured), currently boarded and fenced off, are still being considered by Cheshire East Council.
Lancashire-based Eventus Properties have teamed up with Keyworker Homes Ltd to put the plans to develop the building into a 15,000 sq foot retail unit.
In a tweet, Eventus said “Preperations (sic) for the Nantwich site are coming along nicely!! M&S on board, paperwork to sign.”
Today, Craig Ainscough, of Eventus, said paperwork has not been signed yet and declined to comment further until then.
Nantwichnews understands that the store, if plans go through, will be open by September this year in time for the town’s Food and Drink Festival.
The addition of a major retailer like M&S has divided opinion in the town.
Some smaller retailers fear it will impact on their trade, while others believe it will help to raise the town’s profile and bring in more shoppers.
John Weir, chairman of Nantwich Flourish, said the arrival of Marks & Spencer has to be broadly welcomed.
“I’m sure the people of Nantwich will welcome something like this,” he told Nantwichnews.
“Bringing in bigger branded companies like M&S will increase footfall to the town, and it’s a compliment to the town really.”
He said M&S have been considering a Nantwich store for some years.
“The previous Crewe & Nantwich Borough Council encouraged them to have a look, and I think at long last they’ve said let’s go for it.
“There is a natural fear among smaller businesses about such a change, I can understand that. There are rumours of a coffee shop, but I believe it’s just going to be a food hall.
“They are a big name, they have a niche customer, so why shouldn’t they bring that to Nantwich?”
Will M&S be good for Nantwich? Have your say and post your comments
It’s about time M&S came to Nantwich. The current state of the old clinic is a complete eyesore.
This looks like a good thing for the town. Why do smaller retailers fear this? They might have to find ways of becoming more attractive/competitive to their customers and that would bring benefits all round.
Yipeee and about time too!!
What fantastic news for the town. And delighted that the old Tudor surgery is to be developed into something practical and supportive of the town centre (not just more apartments).
How anyone can fear this development is beyond me!